My World

Sunday, June 2, 2024

2 June 2024

8am wake up... 
9am breakfast, bb show me how to test fresh egg in water... 
1030-11am sleepy so lay in room play phone, bb nap in couch, i wake up n bb washed all plates... 
1pm lunch... 
2pm after lunch discuss abt taiwan trip n subscribe maxis roaming shared by bb, bb said wan to buy hand wash fr caring requested by mum so ask if wana walk to plaza sg mas, heavy rain luckily din go out...
330-4pm after shower i cm out kiss bb, he ask to close door, i ask him lie down in couch, we kiss hug rub, i tk off my shirt n bb rub my nipples veli high, i lick little bb until he high, bb said he din wash so go toilet wash tgt, i suck it until he ejaculates on my body, bb say free lotion...
430-530pm i nap in room n bb nap in couch... 
640pm i drive to sunway giza mall for ichiban boshi dinner... 
730-930pm so lucky found parking outside under tree, dinner treat fr bro, share old photos, buy llao llao, buy hand wash from caring, buy stuff fr village grocer n go home, car full of bird poo... 
10-1030pm reach my condo, bb help to clean bird poo at car wash area at my condo parking... 
1230-1am go to bed n kiss good night... 

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