My World

Friday, September 27, 2024

27 September 2024

Hometown steamboat... 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Monday, September 23, 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

22 September 2024

830am wake up... 
930-1030am cook breakfast done n wake bb up...
1030am breakfast...
12-130pm gym...
230pm lunch...
3-330pm continue hk movie half way... 
330-5pm watch 'a quiet place - day one' not finish as bb wan to nap... 
515-545pm we kiss hug rub naked in couch, i suck penis til he steams n go toilet ejaculates n shower tgt... 
545-615pm bb nap in couch... 
7pm dinner... 
730pm kiss goodbye at home n drive bb to Kentonmen mrt n kiss goodbye agn... 

21 September 2024

6pm pick up bb fr sd barat mrt...
630-730pm dinner wt bb, mum n Shanelle at 'weng tai claypot chicken rice' n tapao for sil n Sebastian...
830-10pm watch aec singing competition...
1030pm reach my condo...
11pm-12am watch 'crazy sports show'...
12-1am watch 'wo hu' hk movie in YouTube...
1-2am we go to bed kiss hug rub till bb steam n stop, first try sleep on new bed frame...

20 September 2024

Recharge day...
Bed frame delivered to my condo...

19 September 2024

Work wt contract staffs at level 19...

18 September 2024

Data retention contract staffs join...

17 September 2024

9am wake up...
1030am breakfast...
1130am-1230pm continue watch 'crisis negotiators' fr youtube...
1230-1pm stroll ard condo...
230pm lunch...
3-5pm watch 'the sparring partners' streaming...
5-530pm bb nap in couch i nap in room...
6-630pm bb wan notty but i wan to cook...
7pm dinner...
730pm kiss hug bb n tell him nxt week oni notty thn send him to Kentonmen mrt n kiss goodbye agn...

16 September 2024

9am wake up n eat breakfast wt bb, he continues watch Netflix... 
10am-12pm we stroll a bit round of bsd, explore new park 'kebun komuniti bsd sriniti', ativo plaza nice place for wedding photo shooting, uniqlo thn walk bc... 
2-3pm lunch wt mum, sis n bb at nandos waterfront, treat on me wt rm50 voucher discount by sis...
3-6pm bb continue Netflix....
6-7pm bro bc fr german n distribute souvenirs for us...
630-7pm bb nap in couch...
730-9pm i drive bb, mum n bro dinner at soon hock restaurant wt sis family on her treat...
10pm reach my condo...
11pm-12am watch 'crisis negotiators' fr youtube but too sleepy so go to bed...
1230-130am we kiss hug rub till bb steam n stop, he also rub my nipple, i watch porn until 3am thn sleep...

Friday, September 20, 2024

15 September 2024

730am wake up... 
830am eat bread n coffee as light breakfast... 
9-11am bb drive to bidor... 
1130am-130pm we park car near 'mee wah restaurant' so go in eat wantan noodle, went to wrong stall order but still not bad, boss ask me where i travel i said here lor, then walk to 'pun chun restaurant' but too crowded, so we walk to 'pasar awam bidor' n go bidor 0km check point, bb said famous but it is jz a stone outside post office so funny, we then tk photo under big sun n shop awhile at 'pasaraya yat fong' thn walk to 'petai lane' tk photo wt wall painting...
2-240pm we go 'kampung baru coldstream' n look for d park tk photos...
240-530pm we reach 'hooka' cafe, bb drive my car on narrow road n almost hit the car when reversing, we took photos ard cafe while waiting for seat, aft gt seat we charge phone n order nuggets as nid to wait long 20 mins oni can order drink, aft phone full charge we walk inside paddy field n have many nice photos...
540-630pm we go to coldstream town, tk photo n dinner at 'sun sun brother restaurant', lady boss chat wt me say luckily come earlier now crowded until cant accept customer order...
640-7pm we go 'kampung baru kuala bikam' fruit town bb buy fruits home... 
7-9pm i drive bc to mum hse, on the way see mini rainbow... 
9pm reach mum hse but she attend wedding dinner wt aunt, i prepare fruits for bb n he continues watch Netflix 'the night agent'... 
1230-130am we go to bed chat kiss hug rub until bb steams n stop, i go oh si n bc to sleep... 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

14 September 2024

12-1240pm bb reach bb mrt but im still at pavilion redeem freebies so ask him go lee & tan dental clinic first, i queue for 'mon chinese beef roti', then reach clinic n go in see bb, bb filling under 3 mths warranty so foc...
1-2pm we walk to 'capitol cafe' for lunch, d cafe we went when start dating, bb ml me angry as he said jam 3 hrs to bidor may cancel tml day trip, bb knw im angry so hold my hand to soothe me so im ok ady, jz tell him can chg plan tml if jam i jz dun wan stay home, he said see how is d traffic tml morning otherwise can go jenjarom, he ok to leave hse earlier avoid jam, when im angry thn say go home aft tht i say too early walk ard first...
230-5pm we walk to Fahrenheit uniqlo survey bb jacket similarly, go jujutsu kaisen snap photo, go 'book xcess' read book n nap awhile, woke up by an indian lady talk loud scold n cry...
5-6pm we order mcd happy meal buy 1 free 1 and eat at bkt bintang mcd...
6-8pm tk mrt fr bb to trx exchg to putrajaya line to Kentonmen n i drive home, i cook simple vege glass noodle as light dinner...
830-10pm watch aec singing competition, sooka block to watch live tv so i use phone watch...
11pm-12am we go to bed early n kiss hug rub till bb steams n ejaculates in toilet n sleep...

Friday, September 13, 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

12 September 2024

Epic Asian video... 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

11 September 2024

Uncle Roger Fuiyoh restaurant... 

10 September 2024

Won Samsung cash rebate rm2000... 

9 September 2024

Stay bc late... 

8 September 2024

9am wake up, mum make coffee for bb... 
1030-1130am we stroll at 'central spine park'... 
1-2pm i drive bb, mum, Sebastian n Shanelle to 'kong mah dim sum' for lunch... 
230-430pm we go few furniture shop 'valencia' & 'plan v' at sri dsara, 'v seng' next to lotus kepong, end up buy bed frame rm550 fr 'tomorrow' at kepong, ask bb try lay on bed frame he choose cheapest one... 
430-5pm send Sebastian go 'hair smile' cut hair n Shanelle go 'mixue' buy drink, go 'berry's cake house' buy cake for praying dad, go bc barber shop pick up Sebastian but he went bc without informing us, im veli angry n drive bc, otw saw him walking home n pick him up n scold... 
5-530pm bb nap in sofa, feel he abit scare of me as im so angry jznw... 
6-7pm bring bb n mum dinner at 'restoran woh'... 
730pm drive bb to Kentonmen mrt n kiss good bye... 

7 September 2024

1240pm reach mike dad hse... 
1245-115pm mike mum cook bak kut teh as lunch, i buy them mooncake, chat wt his mum asking go restaurant tgt, his dad stay home...
130-220pm mike drive us to 'golden dragonboat restaurant', private room visit n ask about wedding luncheon menu, otw home his mum said bb veli frugal n not willing to buy new blazer, she said she buy for him, she also said spore neighbors son wedding veli grand but marry 3 mths divorce due to bb issue, she told me bb sis miscarriage a baby boy in 5 mths n wait till year 2014 oni hv his niece...
230-530pm back his dad hse, his mum tk out blazer of mike n dad, it stil looks new even wear 19 years ago at his sis wedding in year 2005, his mum also show me old photos of his family, saying her dotter cut short hair dun like wear skirt, i told her i was same last time, then we also go in her master bedroom see bb graduation photo, i said he looks notty last time, his mum said all this while he is a good boy, i also go in room see bb blouse for rom n wedding lunch, bb parents tea time eat my hamdansou n tausa pien, her mum said no contact ipoh relatives as all sis old age ard 80 yrs old, his dad penang uncles mafan if cm down for wedding lunch, nid to find hotel for them so not inviting to them, i asked bb nap at sofa but he said normally go in room so he nap 30 mins 430-5pm, i chat wt his mum at living room, his mum ask if i like quan hong chan i said she is cute, after bb wake up he asked parents if got cook dinner his mum said cook noodle thn we jio them dinner outside tgt...
530-630pm we dinner at 'yi sheng huat restaurant', his dad order dishes all super delicious, we tk group photo n bb pay d bill abt rm134...
630-730pm i walk slowly tgt wt his dad home, chat awhile thn i drive bb bc to my mum hse...
8pm reach my mum hse...
830-10pm watch aec singing competition, bb n i tk umbrella send bro to grab car going to klia...
1030pm-1230am bb watch Netflix 'madame web'...
1230-130am we go to my bedroom, tk jacket for bb, we kiss n i saw bb keep blinking his eyes while kissing, i use my hands hold his eyes, we kiss hug rub til bb steam, he said stop worry stain bedsheet, so we sleep, bb said my phone keep playing video so he help me off when go toilet at 2am...

Friday, September 6, 2024

6 September 2024

Team building meeting... 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

5 September 2024

Microsoft form... 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

4 September 2024

Evening walk day... 

3 September 2024

Wedding luncheon plan... 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024

1 September 2024

730am wake up... 
930am breakfast... 
1030am-1230pm drive to starling mall go warehouse sales, veli lousy, shop at jaya grocer, sit at bench eat bun wt bb n leave... 
130-530pm drive to kheng wah restaurant lunch n wait for lucky draw... 
530-630pm drive bb to caring bsd buy medicine for his mum, wan go lucky home for dinner but full, gt stray dog bark... 
630-7pm dinner at 'kim kee noodles'... 
720pm drive bb to sd mrt, kiss goodbye n smell bb armpit mk him laugh...