My World

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

16 - 18 March 2009

Foundation :
- Roots of Effectiveness : Character not Personality
- Maturity Continuum : Dependence, Independent, Interdependent, Private Victory (Habit 1, 2, 3), Public Victory (Habit 4, 5, 6)
- See (Paradigm), Do (Behavior), Get (Result)
- Principles : Universal, Timeless, Objective, At work whether we understand or value them
- Effectiveness : P(Production)/PC(Production Capability) Balance

Habit 1 : Be Proactive
- I am product of my choice
- 4 human endowments : Self-Awareness, Imagination, Conscience, Independent Will
- Focus on Circle Of Influence
- Become a Transition Person

Habit 2 : Begin With The End In Mind
- I live by design
- 1st creation : Mental, 2nd creation : Physical
- Create and live by Personal Mission Statement

Habit 3 : Put First Things First
- I put important things first
- Time matrix : Focus on Quadrant II Effectiveness : Important Not Urgent
- Effective : Do the right things, Efficient : Do the things right
- 3 steps to Weekly Planning : Review mission & roles, Choose big rocks, Schedule the week
- 3 steps to Daily Planning : Check today's appointments, Make a realistic list, Prioritize
- Effective system : Integrated, Mobile, Personalized

Habit 4 : Think Win-Win
- Long-term relationships : Mutual respect & Mutual benefit
- There is plenty out there for everyone, and more to spare
- Abundance mindset
- High courage High consideration
- 5 elements of Win-Win Agreement : Desired results, Guidelines, Resources, Accountability, Consequences

Habit 5 : Seek For To Understand, Then To Be Understood
- I listen with the intent to understand
- 4 Autobiographical Responses : Advising, Probing, Interpreting, Evaluating
- Empathic Listening : Reflecting what a person feels and says in your own words

Habit 6 : Synergize
- Synergy = Synchronized + Energy
- The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- Together we can create a better way, a higher way
- Value differences
- Creative Cooperation : Check willingness, Reflect viewpoints, Create new ideas
- Third Alternative : Transformation

Habit 7 : Sharpen The Saw
- I nuture the goose that lays the golden eggs
- 4 dimensions of Renewal : Physical, Mental, Social/Emotional, Spiritual

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